Variantenstudien für Wohnbauten
Arbeitsweise ( Aus: a+, "44 Young
Architects", Barcelona, 2007 )
"Our working method is based on a simultaneous regard to the design
process from four different points of view:
Design as science
A scientific approach means to analyze and visualize all determining
factors of a specific design task in order to identify the range of
possible solutions. Every promising point of departure is discussed
without prejudice.
Output: Multiple, clearly distiguishable design strategies that we call
“models”. Every model stands for one specific quality, e.g. “Maximum
compactness”, “Maximum dispersion”, “As cheap as possible”, “As many
terraces as possible”, etc.
Design as dialogue
Architectural design is a collective process. An intense dialogue with
our client is our main inspiration, because his/her personal (and
sometimes unusual) ideas about architecture force us to leave beaten
tracks. There is only one strict rule: No discussion without “models”.
When there’s nothing to see, there’s nothing to discuss.
Output: Selection of one or two models that is/are going to be
developed further.
Design as translation
Translation means to turn an abstract concept into specific form and
vice versa. This process is not linear but highly iterative. Concretion
(from idea to form) leads to new design, abstraction (from form back to
conceptual scheme) leads to new ideas.
Output: Schematic architectural design, coherence between idea and form.
Design as cultural phenomenon
Architecture has to be reasonable, affordable, and sustainable, but it
has to express more than that. As we regard architecture as an
independent artform, we have to ask ourselves what it should stand for.
Does architecture have to be beautiful? Is being “new” or “innovative”
a quality in itself? Is irritating or ugly architecture legitimate?
What is architecture and what is not?
Output: Design as a cultural statement"